Friday, August 16, 2013


Studio Policies

The revised clay studio policies are now posted in the blog. We're still working on plans for the daily non-monitored open studio hours and will fill in the details as soon as we can. In the meantime, please review the policies, enjoy open studio time, and check out the new fall schedule for ceramics: you might find a class you'd like!


  1. Thanks Meredith! And everyone: the studio schedules are on our calendar for your convenience. Click the Studio Calendar link on the blog. If you use gcal for your personal calendar, you can add the studio calendar to show up on your gcal if you like.

  2. Just a note in case anyone is confused. In order to see the policies you'll need to access the blog and then click the "Policies" tab at the top. If you click the link in your email notification it will simply bring you to this post. Proceed from there to the Policies via the tab.
